We’re helping small businesses work from home during the virus crisis

These are testing times indeed, so we’ve asked ourselves: what can we do to help?

We don’t have medical skills or ventilators, but we do have furniture; so, we’ve decided to help other small local firms trying to adapt to the new stay-at-home working practices and keep the country running in this time of social-distancing.

With many companies following the government’s advice to work from home where possible – in order to slow the rate of infection of COVID-19 within the community – the lack of proper provision of office equipment in many employees homes can potentially make home-working and productivity an issue.

In order to help, we are donating surplus ex-demo seating to any small business in the Neath and Swansea Valley area which have been affected by the sudden need to home-locate their workforce.

We have decided to give away these items of furniture for free to those who genuinely need them to support their business-as-usual activities. We’ve got a large number of chairs going spare and we might even be able to home deliver in some cases – as long as it is safe to do so.

If you’re part of a larger business, multi-national or corporate, the freebies are sadly not for you. We hope you’ll understand that, but we can help with quick delivery of some stocked items too. All our items are available for national 48-hour delivery, so, if you’re getting workers set up at home – just get in touch.

If you are working from home – here are some tried and tested top tips to keep communication going while keeping your distance: Microsoft SharePointZOOM Networking Master CLASS. They’re powerful tools at times like this.

Stay safe folks, look after each other #tearuptheagenda

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